Product: Unselfish Marketer Membership Site
Creator: JayKay Bak
Mission: Unselfish Marketer Review
Reviewer: The Seven Questions Guy, Andy Lax
– Positive – Thousands of high quality PLR products to select, and the list of freebies should easily offset the expense. You’ll recognize fresh products that are offered by WarriorPlus and JVZoo, and you can request other products when you don’t see it on the platform.
– Negative – The membership interface can be organized better and the search bar should be more robust. You can buy cheaper PLR if quality is not an issue.
Less than a week after my enrollment, signing up for this PLR platform, I feel compelled to write this Unselfish Marketer review. It’s almost as if I just have to share a secret as my fellow marketers hold their collective breath. After all, this evaluation should answer the often-asked question, ‘What is the best PLR membership site?’
The review is not borne from speculation but from exhaustive research and actual experience. I’m not only a practicing unselfish marketer (just ask my friends) but now I’m an Unselfish Marketer customer. Moreover, I have a base of comparison, too, because I’ve enrolled in other PLR membership sites so I know what to look for (and what to look out for).
I’m guessing that you, too, are wondering where you can get the best PLR bang for the buck. It is my fervent hope that this review will help you determine where to best allocate funds for private label rights that can support your business’s needs and even provide you with a competitive advantage in this area.
My Desperate Quest to Find an Unselfish Provider of Private Label Rights
I’ve been taking massive (affiliate) marketing action since 2014 and studied the field 7 years prior, waiting foolishly on the sidelines. But during my long study period and action-taking time span, I noticed a commonality among successful campaigns: Marketers were offering customers seemingly hard-to-resist bonuses upon purchase of a given product with their link.
These bonuses were often relevant and supported the main product’s use. Other marketers would not only provide these product-oriented extras but throw in the entire kit and caboodle, exclaiming that their bonus packages were worth thousands.
As a complete newbie, I had no idea how these marketers were able to provide so much ‘value.’ Surely, they could not be creating all these products on their own.
It did not take me long to realize that they were using assorted PLR products, acquired from membership sites, or secured as one-time sales from sites that sell e-books, articles, and such à la carte.
So buying every bright shiny object in the constellation, I would access these bonuses but often felt disappointed with their less than stellar quality.
Moreover, these bonuses were certainly not worth the thousands other marketers were declaring. In fact, their intrinsic value bordered closer to zero. It was at this point that I learned the concept of ‘perceived value.’
I looked up the names of these products and discovered their original source. I had entered the wonderful world of private label rights, and proceeded on a road to become a PLR sharer.
But when I pulled the trigger to offer PLR as part of my bonus package, I realized that I, too, often shot myself in the foot. Once again, too many of the materials lacked any modicum of quality, and I just did not want to get by on perceived value; I longed to provide actual value.
Another problem surfaced: Too many of these products did not offer the type of resell or giveaway rights that I was looking for. I was not only interested in experimenting with these resources on my own, but offering them as bonus giveaways, which I was not permitted to do all too often.
Another issue came to the forefront. When I contacted the PLR powers that be, my messages all too frequently went unanswered. And when I did receive a response, the information was frequently not complete. (I soon learned not to ask more than one question per email.)
Regardless of all these obstacles pertaining to PLR acquisition, I still had to compete with fellow marketers, and offer my own bevy of these types of resources.
Yes, I have every intention to produce my own products one day, but how am I going to stay afloat with my campaigns if I’m not offering bonuses when others do … especially, among ridiculous claims that they’re worth thousands of dollars.
Long story short – I had to find a PLR membership site that offered a wide array of impressive products where I could secure the types of rights I needed.
In addition, I just had to find a membership site where customer service was exemplary, where all my questions and concerns would be answered in a timely, thoughtful fashion.
As an added criterion, it would be wonderful if I could ask the platform’s owner to include products that I felt could contribute to the entire community.
So even though I believed that finding this PLR platform was tantamount to reaching the impossible dream, I never gave up my pursuit.
There just had to be a generous, unselfish marketing platform that could accommodate my needs and offer tremendous value to me and my prospective customers.
Success … I think that I finally found what I had been looking for, and it only took me several years! This review should greatly shorten that time span for you.
Complete Unselfish Marketer Review – My Introduction to Unselfish Marketer (UM)
There are only a few marketers that I feel provide tremendous insight, and offer products that are truly worth purchasing. Brett Rutecky is on that short list for me.
So I was looking for a discount to Brett’s Inner Circle, a video-based coaching program, where Brett provides the underpinnings of his successful business.
I forgot what search term I had inputted into Google, but somehow, miraculously, I found myself face to face with the Unselfish Marketer’s Vault – the treasure trove where this PLR platform showcases its gob of goodies.
Inside the vault, I noticed that Brett’s Circle, typically $97, was offered by Unselfish Marketer for only $1 with a special discount code. (Yes, I had to look twice.)
Now being the good citizen that I am, I did not use the code because it’s reserved for Unselfish Marketer’s members, and again, I had just learned of this platform. However, doing some quick math, I realized that this coupon alone would save $96, and already pay for about two months of UM membership (priced at $47 a month).
Could this be a serendipitous discovery? I was not looking for a PLR membership site at this moment in time, but somehow my search for a particular product’s discount revealed one.
I thought this is definitely worth further investigation.
My Unselfish Marketer Due Diligence
I vowed that I would never pay one more cent to any PLR site if I could not find a wide selection of QUALITY products.
As I searched the Vault, it became clear that this site offered thousands upon thousands of diverse products. In fact, I recognized several products because I had purchased them on JVZoo and the Warrior Forum!
Yes, as I uncovered the layers of UM, I saw that this platform actively buys the agency rights to many of these coveted products so that members don’t have to pay for them, or pay an almost-too-good-to-be-true $1 for them.
These products, available as part of membership privileges, would have saved me a small fortune had I just obtained them from Unselfish Marketer.
According to JayKay Bak, the founder of UM, members should not have to pay extra to secure their desired marketing-related products. They should find them as part of the Vault.
JayKay trumpets the fact that he has ‘Deep pockets,’ and that he does not hesitate to buy products on behalf of members with his own money!
Who says that Santa Claus does not exist? (Later, I’ll describe UM’s ‘Wish list,” which may open your eyes wide and lead to some jaw-dropping.)
What I Did Before Enrolling in Unselfish Marketer
So I’m feeling like a kid in the candy store. I see a host of products that I have access to without needing to spend any additional money.
The exception, I can obtain certain products, like Brett’s Inner Circle coaching program mentioned above, and other recently launched products, for a buck.
So UM gets incredible grades for product quantity, diversity, and value – at least in the marketing niche. (There are materials for all types of niches, but marketing is the site’s main emphasis.)
As I’m familiar with many products that have been featured on WarriorPlus and JVZoo, I knew that at least some of the Vault resources were helpful. I cherry-picked other products, including some software, and believed they could also prove very helpful in my marketing efforts.
I added up what I would have purchased on my own, and that alone, could have paid for a years’ worth of UM membership! As a host of new products are added each month (sometimes on a daily basis), I had confidence that any PLR expenditure would justify itself … even if I did not use the resources as bonuses, or as a foundation for creating my own product. (I could use the products as is myself.)
And with that realization, I was ready to submit payment.
But I just had to find out the level of customer support that would be extended to me.
So I posed a few questions to JayKay, and what do you know, an answer soon appeared. But it was not just a cursory, quickly-crafted response but a thoughtful and intelligent answer.
This led to further message exchanges, and before long, JayKay was not only connecting all the dots pertaining to Unselfish Marketer, but trying to help me solve this affiliate marketing puzzle.
I had never experienced this level of support from any business entity – let alone one providing PLR material.
Within a week, I felt like I made a true friend. I’m certain this degree of professionalism, courtesy, and support is provided to all UM members! After all, JayKay gives himself no more than 24 hours to address anyone’s questions.)
Sign me up … and upon joining, JayKay wrote: “Welcome to your new family, Andy.” I found more than what I even had hoped for – a friendly, outstretched hand of support from someone who really cares about his customers.
Wishes Can Come True – Vault Wish Granted
Unselfish Marketer offers a novel option: Fulfilling member wishes, buying products that the members ask for. And you don’t even have to wait for Christmas to get your Vault wish fulfilled.
But for your wish to be granted, it has to meet certain criteria:
1) You have to ask the right way – No, you don’t have to say, ‘Pretty please’ (although that would be the polite thing to do), but you do have to contact the right department (#5).
2) It’s preferable if the product has recently been launched. (JayKay always looks for fresh content for his members.) This is not a hard and fast rule, and JayKay, will make exceptions if he determines that your coveted product offers value.
3) The Unselfish Marketer’s Vault is a membership platform so your desired product must be able to be added to it.
Now if JayKay is able to secure master resell rights but is unable to offer it via a paid membership site, he may still buy the product on your behalf. He can set you up with your own Commission Sales Page where you will earn 90% of the asking price! (At most, you will have to pay $1 for this privilege.)
You save buying the master resell rights (assuming you could even do so), get your own done-for-you sales page, and profit handsomely in the process.
4) Again, JayKay must be able to secure agency or master resell rights. I just asked JayKay about adding Brett Rutecky’s LinkMaster, and this was his thoughtful response:
“THANKS for your wish – much appreciated 🙂
Actually I must have 10-11 of Brett’s SaaS (Software as a Service) starting with – yup, free for UMers to join
Right NOW I can’t get my hands on it with the license UM Vault needs = Brett sells/giveaway only USER License
I DO believe it’s just a matter of time before Brett releases WL / Resell Rights to LinkMaster
THEN I can invest so all UMers can join for free (or $1 depending on Brett’s terms).
Patience is a virtue LOL :-)”
Here, JayKay is letting me know that he is amenable to purchasing this product but has to wait until he is able to secure the appropriate rights. We just have to wait and see what develops.
5) If/when products are bundled together, you should pinpoint the product or two that merits your interest. You’ll then have to galvanize JK’s interest in it as well.
Here is my take away from the Unselfish Marketer’s Wish List option. JayKay bends over backwards to fulfill all wishes, but there are times when the criteria outlined above cannot be met. When this situation arises, he will explain why he cannot grant the wish, and even offer alternative options of similar products that are already accessible in the Vault.
UM spends thousands of dollars a month on new products, often suggested by members. This expenditure depends on the amount of current members (and the total fees collected), but this collective purchasing power can go up to 5K a month.
UM stays within their budget but if JayKay agrees that a product is worth adding, he will go over this limit. Furthermore, if the expenditure is less than anticipated in a given month, he will spend more the following month to try to make up the difference.
The goal of UM is to deliver VALUE each month!
Unselfish Freebies
Are you ready for the proverbial icing on the cake? There are many perks when joining this membership, outlined below:
Free Unselfish Hosting – I wish that I could give you a review of the hosting but I have not tried it out yet. However, my annual tenure with my hosting company is just about over, and I’m seriously considering switching. You can get up to 3,000 MB of disk space and 50,000 MB of bandwidth. You can also host multiple sites on their server.
Free Unselfish Contractor / 100 Autoresponders – Now you have an alternative to using GetResponse, AWeber, MailChimp, or similar ‘brand-name’ autoresponders. The ones provided by UM free of charge to members seem to have as many features as the top guns in the field. Furthermore, you can accumulate up to 10,000 subscribers. It’s time to build your list!
UM Products to Sell – Here, you can offer your own ready-made product. You can sell 90 videos on tech matters that folks want to know about (e.g., all about WordPress, CPanel, HTML5, etc.).
UM-Supplied Webinar Platform – JayKay recently invested in Webinar Bee that runs on Amazon S3 and Firefox technology. This is the next generation of webinar software where you can engage your audience in live time. A copy of the webinar is automatically made. This looks like an easy-to-use system that will more than offset the cost of the UM monthly membership.
UM Facebook Software & Graphics – Need to build up your Facebook presence? There is no need to hire a graphic designer. With this extra, you’ll be able to make attractive Facebook covers, Fangates, Milestones, posts, and tabs. 200 Fanpage templates are even provided.
UM Work At Home Success Academy – You can get up to one year of free coaching as a UM member. This will prove indispensable as you will learn how to build traffic, increase conversions and sales, and monetize campaigns,
There are too many other freebies to mention. Perhaps it would be best to just categorize them: Coaching and insider know-how, software to build sites, or perfect pages and posts, video-related tools that can make your videos stand out, optimization strategies to propel your sites higher in the search engines, visually appealing graphics programs, site templates, video footage, stock photos, e-commerce platforms like JVM3 Delavo, and more.
There is so much abundance here – to learn from or profit from.
Is Unselfish Marketer Perfect?
Perfection does not exist – in life or in business. While I’m overwhelmed by the Unselfish Marketer’s membership site (I can spend days just scoping out the Vault), I should also levy a criticism or two.
The ‘Search bar’ that you’ll notice when you enter the Vault works, but does not work optimally. Let me explain. It will uncover the actual product name that you’re looking for. However, it will not display all items pertaining to a product creator, for instance.
Once again, I looked up one of my favorite product creators, Brett Rutecky. I inputted his name, and the only product that appeared was his coaching course. I know that there are many products of his in the Vault, but from the search, I would not be able to tell.
Hence, I really think the search bar needs an upgrade, and should be more robust and intuitive, sorting by date or category, for example.
Another point of view: UM is not the biggest PLR site (i.e., offers the most material out of any membership site) nor are they the cheapest (I’ll highlight the pricing momentarily). But my goal was to look for quality and value over any other parameter, and I believe that I found it here.
That said, while the vast majority of products are quality ones, there are some that are not worth the time to download. But if you access any subpar PLR, you should let JayKay know, and get his take on the matter. Moreover, you can express your disapproval as you can submit your opinion about any given PLR item, by registering a vote of ‘Love’ or ‘Hate.’
Another consideration: UM has been in existence for almost 10 years, and predictably, the price has gone up about $35 since its inception. JayKay has plans to keep running UM until 2031 but hopefully the price won’t go up too much during that interval. 🙂
Finally, if you decide to become a member, be patient when downloading some of the products. You may have to wait a minute or so, and the first course of action should be to look at the type of rights you receive. I’m always hoping, for instance, that I can give the product away as a bonus, but there are times when I won’t have that privilege.
The Price to Become an Unselfish Marketer
One man may ask, 'How much does it cost? Another man may ask, 'How much will it help me earn?' - JayKay BakClick To TweetAt the current time, there are 4 available options:
– Monthly – UM costs $47 a month on a recurring basis;
– 6 Month Subscription – The fee is $235 which represents one free month ($47 savings);
– Annual Subscription – The price is $423 which equates to 3 free months (141 savings);
– Lifetime Subscription – The price is $1,977 ($1,000 LIFETIME coupon).
I opted for the 6 month subscription as I thought that would be a sufficient amount of time to test the waters, and see if my high opinion of UM remains unchanged.
Unselfish Marketer Discount – An irresistible Offer
I’m so sure that you’ll be as enthralled with UM as I am that I’m willing to help you investigate this platform. How? If you purchase membership through any of my links and join, I will pay you $50 (more than one free month) after the 30-day refund period covering the second month expires. I have to wait until this time to ensure that no refund has been requested.
If you opt to purchase the 6-month, annual, or lifetime option, I can pay you $50 on your 2nd month anniversary (i.e., after the 30-day refund deadline has passed).
This is the best Unselfish Marketer discount / coupon that I’ve seen online.
Please contact me here if/when you purchase membership initially so that I have a record.
Please remember to clear your cookies before purchasing UM through any of my links.
Unselfish Marketer Review – Final Word
I now can cross one task off my to do list: Find an extremely reputable PLR membership site that provides wide variety / high quality products in my targeted niche of Internet and affiliate marketing. (Again, UM offers materials in other niches, but my main concentration is the marketing field.)
While the interface is not the cleanest and most organized that I’ve seen, it’s very easy to navigate and you can find a host of items that will suit your needs. JayKay is an excellent bearer of information as well, and he knows the product line inside and out. You can simply ask him for relevant resources, and I’m sure that he will quickly provide you with great suggestions.
So lets go back to the question: “What is the best PLR membership site?” If you’re longing to find a partner who truly cares about its members, and committed to offering invaluable resources, the answer is Unselfish Marketer.
If you wish to minimize other expenses, and you want to gain access to the same products you typically purchase from WarriorPlus or JVZoo, UM is the best PLR site for you.
If you want some other party to purchase a ‘Wish list’ product on your behalf, UM is the only choice.
And finally, if you want to receive out-of-this-world, exemplary customer support, Unselfish Marketer will demonstrate how business should be conducted.
With a myriad of freebies, a ton of resources at your disposal, fantastic discounts where you can purchase fresh products for $1 (or even obtain them for free), and tremendous support and encouragement on the other end, Unselfish Marketer lives up to its lofty claims. It acts selflessly on behalf of its customers, and seeks win-win solutions for all concerned.
Transforming the PLR Landscape – Click Here to Discover the Unselfish Marketer